Energy Sciences is a small business with a close-knit family culture. Leadership regularly encourages employees to prioritize their health and well-being. Energy Sciences immediately instructed employees to work from home mid-March to reduce the spread of the Coronavirus.
Strategic efforts were made to keep everyone connected. Daily calls between managers and employees were scheduled, along with weekly team meetings and virtual happy hours.
“Staying in touch has allowed us to feel connected with the group, get the necessary amount of ‘water cooler chats,‘ and work guidance from the comfort of our own homes,” explains Alexis Durocher, Marketing and Operations Representative.
Energy Sciences leadership sent each employee a care package containing hand sanitizer, lotion, and a company coffee mug. This was a great surprise for all the employees. By getting creative, leadership has successfully organized virtual group photography training lessons, movie nights, cooking classes, and walking phone meetings. In a time of uncertainty, the team is coming together to create new experiences. Some of these changes have worked so well that teams may continue organizing them post COVID-19.