When most people think of workplace wellness, they think of coworkers taking the stairs, walking together during lunch breaks, or participating in company-supported 5Ks. While physical fitness is an important contributor to positive health, wellness encompasses much more.
Workplace wellness is a holistic term that deals with the whole self. It has to do with how stress affects you, what your finances look like, and whether you’re able to connect with others in a fulfilling way. Workplace wellness also relates to reaching long term personal and professional goals. Making progress on your dreams leads to greater happiness than feeling frustrated or stuck in your role at work.
The start of a new year is the perfect time for your organization to commit to workplace wellness. Here’s why:
1. Wellness makes employees more efficient and productive.
Did you know an estimated 1 million U.S. employees are absent every day due to stress? Bringing those stress levels down will result in greater employee engagement and business success.
2. Wellness reduces the risk of getting sick.
Workplace wellness programs have been shown to bring average sick days down – and lower costs associated with health coverage, workers’ compensation, and disability – by about 25 percent.
3. Wellness improves connection to purpose.
Employee volunteer programs foster a sense of purpose in the workplace. Volunteering helps employees feel like their efforts have a positive impact on the communities in which they work. This sense of purpose leads to increased productivity and positive workplace morale, says VolunteerMatch Solutions.
4. Wellness helps employees achieve financial stability.
When organizations offer financial wellness tools, they can alleviate financial stress for employees. Attention to family finances can bolster financial resiliency among employees, according to a recent report from the National Fund for Workforce Solutions.
5. Wellness helps your organization recruit top talent.
A well-designed wellness program can make the difference between bringing a new employee into your organization or steering them toward a competitor, or even losing a critical member of your team to another organization, says Forbes.
6. Wellness helps employees feel a sense of belonging at work.
When it comes to workplace belonging, companies with diverse teams are among the top financial performers, and that probably isn’t a coincidence says McKinsey & Company.
7. Wellness means employees are moving towards their goals.
Career development may be one of the most important factors that contribute to employee engagement. According to Emergenetics International, the best way to initiate career development among employees is to ask about their talents, skills they’d like to develop, and long-term goals. When career planning is part of the mix, employees are much more likely to feel motivated.
When organizations focus on workplace wellness, everybody wins. Start the new year with a commitment to cultivating a happier, healthier workforce.