More Than Just Trees: The Value of Parks to Private Companies
March 4th, 2020This blog was provided by MI Blues Perspectives. Parks and public green spaces are more than just trees and grass to…

Regional Leaders Showcase How Employee Well-Being Programs Can Boost Business And Economic Growth
November 25th, 2019The Detroit Regional Chamber’s “The Business Case for Community Health” gathered expert leaders to discuss ways to create a healthier…

Southeast Michigan Businesses Give Back
November 13th, 2019In recognition of the upcoming holiday season, Wellness Works organized a campaign to celebrate the philanthropic work organizations have participated…

Giving Back in the Workplace Contest Winner
November 11th, 2019Congratulations to Oswald Companies for winning Wellness Works’ Giving Back in the Workplace contest. Oswald Companies regularly participates in a variety of…

Blue Cross Commits to Restoration of Detroit’s East Warren/Cadieux Corridor
October 2nd, 2019This blog was provided by MI Blues Perspectives. Neighborhoods are the building blocks of every community. Each one reflects the strength…

Mindfulness in the Workplace
September 23rd, 2019Temperatures are cooling down and leaves are starting to fall. For some of us, this means saying so long to…